Welcome to our service today. We continue our series on finding peace as we walk through the roadmap out of lockdown and today Claire reflects on Philippians 4:1-9
Join us for coffee and cake on zoom after the service at 12.30pm (please note the later time). The link is here.
We also have an in person service at 11am at the church building which is very similar to this online service. All are welcome, Please wear a mask.
Next Sunday:
We have an in person service with sermon at 11am. This will be similar to the online service. All are welcome.
Coming up:
Sunday 20th June - In person service at 11am replicated online
Sunday 27th June - In person family service - how this works depends on the roadmap! An online sermon and songs will continue to be available.
Sunday 4th July - In person service at 11am - this will be available online
Bible Study:
Our Bible Study series on zoom at 8pm concludes tomorrow, Monday 14th June. "Together for good" - Growing happiness and wellbeing in our community.
Re-opening mid week:
We are now reopen mid week. For more details of activities see the website here . You would be very welcome to drop in to the cafe on Tuesdays. During June we will be open 10am-12.30pm, but in July we will be expanding our opening hours again.
Call to worship (based on Psalm 85:8-10)
As we gather this morning, let us listen to what God the Lord says - he promises peace to his people, to his faithful servants. He guides us in the right way. His salvation is near. His glory dwells in this land.
Love and faithfulness meet together. Righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.
The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.
Righteous goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.
Songs for Today
Here are the songs for today. You might want to save the last two for after the sermon and after communion.
Handing our Worries to God
This week we are looking at Philippians 4:1-9 and how we find peace. In verse 6 it says this:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God"
Watch the video as Virtual Sunday School think about this verse. You might want to stop the video at 7:50 (it was made before Christmas last year so talks about a bit of stuff that isn't relevant right now! Oh, and don't try the game at home!).
In the video you are encouraged to make bookmarks - you'll need card, coloured pens and scissors to this.
Our sermon today is based on Philippians 4:1-9. You might want to read it first. You can read it here
Here is Claire with our sermon
Before you share in communion you might want to pray - for yourselves, for the church family, for the community and for the world.
Get your bread and wine ready then watch the video and share in communion together with your church family with the same words as we will be using in our in person service.
The words for communion are available here if you want to follow them through.