Happy Easter! Below are the resources for our Easter Sunday Celebration - if you can't see the embedded videos there is a link above each one which takes you directly to youtube. We will be meeting for after church coffee at 12.15pm on Zoom (see the link shared on whatsapp or facebook to connect contact us if you are unable to find the link).
Christ is Risen.
He is risen indeed Hallelujah!
A Poem for Easter by Gerard Kelly (From Spoken Worship published by Zondervan 2007)
Because he is risen,
spring is possible
in all the cold hard places
gripped by winter
and freedom jumps the queue
to take fear’s place
as our focus.
And my future is an epic novel
where once it was a mere short story.
Because he is risen.
Because he is risen,
healing is on order and assured
and every disability will bow
before the endless dance of his ability
and my grave too will open
when my life is restored,
for this frail and fragile body
will not be the final word
on my condition.
Because he is risen.
Because he is risen,
hunger will go begging in the streets
for want of a home
and selfishness will have a shortened shelf-life
and we will throng to the funeral of famine
and dance on the callous grave of war
and poverty will be history
in our history.
Because he is risen.
And because he is risen,
a fire burns in my bones
and my eyes see possibilities
and my heart hears hope
like a whisper on the wind
and the song that rises in me
will not be silenced
as life disrupts
this shadowed place of death
like a butterfly under the skin
and death itself
runs terrified to hide.
Because he is risen
Some songs for the service - click on playlist here if you can't see below (you might want to save the last one for the end)
Here is the Easter Story
The Resurrection is something we want to declare, something we want to shout out loud, something we want to tell our neighbours about. Some people are going to blast worship songs from their windows at 10am this morning (or any time). Some people are being loud on social media. Some people over this weekend have been doing a walk of witness with their household groupings. Resurrection is something to be celebrated!
So how are we going to celebrate and shout out to our neighbourhood that Jesus is alive? Some of us have been thinking of creative ways and there are a couple of things you might want to have a go at (perhaps after you've finished the service as it may take a while). The first is (and this would be particularly good if you live in a flat) to create a resurrection window. Cover your window with pictures or words that declare the resurrection. Make it big enough so you can see it from the ground below and if you are able to go outside on your daily walk take a photo of it and send it via Whatsapp or facebook or any means possible to share with others or so they can look out for it on their daily walks.
The second way you might want to celebrate is by making an Easter Garden. You can make it from things in your garden if you have one, but if you don't then you could get really creative with lego or craft material. Again, send in photos and share it with friends and family explaining what you have done.
Here is Jo explaining her Easter Garden and reflecting on it.....
Here is Claire's sermon reflecting on John 20:1-10, 19-20
And a song to listen to to reflect on the resurrection - think about the words and find hope in them
Don't forget to join us on zoom for after church coffee at 12.15pm - the link will be shared on whatsapp and facebook or contact claire@newaddingtonbaptistchurch.co.uk if you can't connect on either.
May you step forward in faith as you embrace resurrection and look forward to a day when all hope is realised.