Welcome to our online service today. The service will be followed by communion on zoom at 12.15pm. Please bring your own bread and wine. The link is here . If you aren't able to join on zoom then the words for communion can be found here
Tonight we have evening worship at 6.30pm in person at the church building. We'll be looking at Acts 1:1-11 as we wait for what comes next.
Next week is our Harvest Celebration - it will look a bit different this year as we cannot gather as normal. We will celebrate as part of our online service, then at 3pm we will have a in person gathering, hopefully outside in the church grounds where we can celebrate all the goodness of God as we engage with the world around. More instructions will follow, but if we are outside and the weather is fine you might want to bring a coat and a blanket to sit on for your household group (chairs will be available but feel free to bring your own).
As usual we will be collecting for Nightwatch Croydon - they are asking particularly for cans of soup (not packets), canned food - canned vegetables meat and fish suitable for people with basic cooking facilities. Canned fruit and milk are also appreciated. You can bring with you on Sunday afternoon, or drop off during the week - we are normally open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the moment. If you are not able to purchase goods then donations would also be appreciated. You can find out more information about Nightwatch here
On Wednesday this week (23rd) at 8pm we are holding a church members meeting which you can attend in person or on zoom. We would encourage church members to attend whichever way they prefer if possible. All info is on the members section of the website. If you cannot attend and would like to contribute please get in touch with one of the leaders.
We are sad to be saying goodbye to Hilda Whenman on Friday 25th. A service of celebration of her life is at 12pm at the church. Due to current restrictions, attendance is limited, but if you would like to say your own goodbyes in person you would be welcome to gather outside (following current restrictions) as we go to the cemetery at around 1pm. The service will be videoed which will be made available soon afterwards.
Listen to these words from Romans 5
Our songs for today - you might want to save the last couple for either side of the sermon
Today we are looking at the story of the day that Jesus met Nicodemus in the darkness of night in John 3. Have a watch of the story here
This story contains one of the most famous verses in the Bible - John 3:16. Can you recite it from memory? What does this verse tell us? Why is this verse such good news?
If you are feeling crafty you might want to make something to help you remember this verse. Here is an example of a simple craft you can make with things you might have round the house that you can hang up to remember the verse https://www.dltk-kids.com/bible/crafts/mstuffedheart.htm
A prayer written by Nick Fawcett in response to the continuing coronavirus crisis, this one inspired by the ongoing need for social distancing, which remains important in controlling the spread of the disease.
As I keep my distance, Lord, from others, teach me to respect them, to value them, to acknowledge them, to care about them. Though I must keep apart, for their sake as much as mine, remind me that we belong together, bound by our common humanity, by your love for all. And though I must keep many still at arm’s length, may that only be in body and not in spirit, my concern for them not being diminished but enlarged – my love, my compassion, my desire to reach out and respond remaining as real as ever, and finding new ways in which it can be expressed. Keep us safe, Lord, keep us well, keep us strong, and though for now we must stay apart, keep us also together. Amen.
Pray today for those you haven't seen for a while because of the current situation. Pray for those who are lonely and are struggling from the lack of physical contact. Pray for our church family that God might hold us together. Pray for those areas of the UK in local lockdown. Pray for the world as the number of infected people continues to rise.
Today's sermon is based on John 3:1-21 and is brought by our minister, Claire