Welcome to worship this morning. We particularly welcome Martin Wright, youth minister at Selsdon Baptist Church who is bringing God's word to us today. He kicks off our new series through the book of 1 Peter thinking about what it means to live life within the current circumstances. For an overview of 1 Peter watch this video. Martin will be joining us on zoom for after church coffee and it would be lovely to see you there at 12.15pm. The link is here
This week we will be having a whole church prayer meeting on zoom at 8pm on Tuesday evening (2nd Feb). We will be spending time remembering, giving thanks, and praying with hope for the future. Please join us if you can on the link above.
Next week we will be starting a new Bible Study series on zoom 8pm on Monday evening (starting 8th Feb) and repeated 10.30am Wednesday morning (starting 10th Feb). 'Lifting the Lid' - Six Bible Studies exploring God's heart for mental health. We will be looking at Bible stories throughout the sessions and learning about what they might say to us about how we care for our own mental health and the mental health of others as we continue to live through the pandemic and deal with the consequences beyond. All are welcome to either session.
A voice of one calling:
'In the wilderness prepare a way for the Lord
make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up,
ever mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all people will see it together.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken' Isaiah 40:3-4
Our songs for today - you might want to save the last two for either side of the sermon
We're starting a new series today looking at the first letter of Peter..... but who was Peter?
Watch the video below to find out more.....
Peter starts his first letter talking about living hope - the hope that we have that things are going to get better because of Jesus. After his lowest point when he denied he knew Jesus after he died he grew in faith and commitment to Jesus, sharing the hope that he had with others.
What brings you hope? What is your favourite Bible verse that reminds you things are going to get better? What are the Bibles stories that remind you of God's goodness? What are the things that you see in the world around you that bring you hope for the future?
If you are feeling creative, make a poster of hope - make it full of colour and fill it with words and phrases and pictures of hope. Stick it up somewhere to remind you of the hope we have when things get tough.
Claire leads us in prayer as we remember the many lives lost to Covid-19 in a week where we passed an unwanted milestone.
Martin brings our sermon based on 1 Peter 1:1-12.